A Once  in a Lifetime Event!


November 8-10th. 2024


November 8-10th. 2024

We have carefully handpicked the best facilitators and together, we have planned a journey you will never forget!

Directing the crowd May24

You will be guided through a weekend of transformative sessions in a far away land of mystique, abundance, connection and ecstatic love.


Geographically it will be in Copenhagen, but we invite you to join our universe and surrender into the unknown with us.


We only have 60 tickets for this exclusive event!

You can join if you have done some consent work and are ready for a deep, transformative journey into yourself with the CTF community.

Softness May24

We have a beautiful venue, decorated to tease your senses together with live music, workshops and much more.



Even the breaks will have a touch of magic and leave you with the feeling of being more alive, more vibrant and just wanting more!


What previous participants said

Secure your seat now
  • The Copenhagen Tantra Festival fostered a space that harnessed polarities that are all too often bifurcated. I entered a sacred dance that fostered depth without being overly serious, playfulness without sacrificing profundity, sacredness untethered to dogmatism, and openness unafraid of intimacy.

    It was the most meaningful and generative event I’ve ever attended—and this is after two decades of attending spiritually infused educational events in my professional life. I highly recommend the festival for all who are seeking a safe space to explore, to play, and to grow. — Jake, Atlanta, GA, USA

    Jake, Atlanta, USA

    May 2024

  • Kate & Anders has once again organised an absolutely incredible tantra festival. The love, joy and compassion between them spreads through out the whole festival, and it is so easy to feel the love all around between participants, volunteers, facilitators and musicians. Thank you again for creating such a beautiful, healing and loving space, where everyone can be welcomed with open arms, new and old ones stepping into the tantra world. We are all one - helping eachother finding home.


    May 2024

  • This festival was so much more than I expected. I feel like it just opened a new world for me of exploration, playfulness and being human. Learning about boundaries was one of the key learnings, knowing myself and when to say NO or a fully body YES. Still so much to learn


    May 2024

  • After three days at the tantra festival, my body and heart feel more open. I am grateful.


    May 2024

  • Best romantic getaway with my boyfriend ever!



  • A loving space to explore, play and learn



  • Tantra is a way of living with connection on a deeper level through polarity, energy and bodywork to yourself and others, and Cph Tantra Festival is great way to meet other likeminded people and explore new things about yourself.



  • Meget lærerigt. Det er mit andet tantra arrangement. Jeg er 65 år og glæder i den grad over hvor meget mere jeg har at lære om mig selv og andre mennesker, og den måde jeg relaterer med andre på. Man får sådan nogle små oplevelser af varme og forståelse Og det er så fedt at opleve letheden og legen i alle sider af livet



  • I really like how this festival creates a container with space for many different styles of tantra. And that they manage to find really skilled facilitators.


    May 2024

  • Come- if you have the courage to feel yourself, others, community and love in large doses


    May 2024

  • I will try to make lifestyle changes due to my experience from the festival. How many times can you say that about a event?


    May 2024

  • …..at one workshop I thought (honestly) I had died and come to heaven


    May 2024

  • Here’s a down to earth kind of tantric festival which helps the one in the beginning of an exploration slide smoothly over the threshold and invites the experienced go deeper, both with specific practice and by seeing the known with beginners attitude.


    May 2024

  • Very well organized festival. 11/10 points. Fantastic atmosphere. Top of the line workshops and spaceholders.


    May 2024

  • an amazing urban tantra festival, with lots of opportunities to investigate your boundaries in self-insight, relating and sexuality in a safe environment. Asim


    May 2024

  • It was a gift to be part of the Copenhagen Tantra Festival. I felt that I was receiving much more than I was giving, as the participants were so inspiring in their vulnerability and courage, while the team and organizers held the event with such enthusiastic love and care that it was impossible not to feel honored to be part.


    May 2024